This LCARS 24 demo was compiled under Windows XP with GCC, MinGW, and Allegro, plus jpeg and gif libraries (included in this folder as the subfolders jpgalleg and algif1.3 in source form). GCC and MinGW can be downloaded from the MinGW Web site, which includes instructions on how to set it up. Allegro can be downloaded from SourceForge. The functions of the regular LCARS 24 not implemented in this demo do exist in the sources but are remmed out or otherwise bypassed and in some cases not included in the makefile. The routines in the file getkey.c are for windows and are quite different from those of the regular version. The rest of the source code here is that of the regular version but modified as necessary to work with MinGW and Windows. The source code for the regular version is avaiable at SourceForge and is updated regularly.