Telecomputing power without the price
by MATHEW RATCLIFFPriced at only $49.95, the new Atari XM301 modem is a complete, powerful
tool for telephone communication with other computers. The included XE-Term
software uses the near-universal XMODEM file transfer standard-making it
easy to download or upload public domain programs over the phone.
The first thing you notice about the 300 baud XM301 is
how tiny it is- not much bigger than a deck of playing cards. And it does
not require a separate power supply. Yet the XM301 delivers auto-dial (tone
or pulse) and auto-answer (so it could be programmed to operate a bulletin
The XM301 is direct-connect, so you don't need any special
interface equipment to hook it up to your Atari system. Note that the XM301
must be the last device in the serial bus chain (plugged into your disk
drive), because it has only one Input/Output (I/O) connector. And if you
have a 1200XL computer, the XM301 will not work with this model. The manual
instructs you to contact Atari Customer Service to get your l200XL modified
(apparently minor) for XM30l compatibility.
The XM30l has one modular phone jack. Most direct connect
modems have two, in order to allow an extension phone hookup for listening
to your dialing progress. However, this is no problem since the XM30l lets
you hear everything through your video speaker when you call another computer.
Once the connection is actually made, the sound shuts off and the XM301's
single LED indicator lights up.
The XM301 comes with a 49-page manual that is a concise,
accurate guide to connecting the modem and using the XE-Term software.
And the package also includes some $270 in discount offers for CompuServe,
the Source, Knowledge Index (Dialog) and Official Airline Guide.
When the XE-Term disk is booted on the 128K-memory Atari 130XE computer,
it creates RAMdisk D8: automatically. This RAMdisk can be used for faster
downloads and uploads. The XE-Term disk also loads correctly on other Atari
computers with a minimum of 32K memory
The HANDLERDOC file on the XE-Term disk may be copied
to the printer or screen if you are interested in studying the complete
technical specifications of the XM301. The data in this file is complete,
covering all aspects of the T: modem device handler and the modem control
features. With the XM30l's auto-answer capability, this modem could be
used to operate your own Bulletin Board System (BBS), with the right software.
The T: handler seems to be identical to that of the widely
used Atari 1030 modem. I tested the XM3Ol with a 1030 modified version
of AMODEM and it worked well. Other BBS operators have reported no trouble
using Antic's powerful 1030 program Pro * Term (August, 1985).
XE-Term is operated via onscreen menu boxes. Pressing [D] gives you
the auto-[D]ialing menu-where you can [E]dit or [D]ial any of the five
stored phone-numbers. [K]eyboard dialing can be used for numbers that are
called less often. You may [C]hange from the default pulse mode to the
faster tone dialing mode, if your phone service supports it.
XE-Term auto-dialing also includes a single [L]og-on macro
that will automatically enter the entire sequence of numbers, commands
and passwords needed to connect you with the online service you call most
The [S]et auto-answer mode is ideal for making Atari-to-Atari
connections in order to trade programs over the phone. You could set the
answer mode and have a friend call at a specified time to automatically
make the connection. You must both be in the "half-duplex" mode for this
type of hookup.
Once you are online, pressing the [SELECT] key will get you back to
the Functions Menu. A subsequent [RETURN] will put you back online if the
connection is still open. Two commands are not shown in this menu. While
at the Functions Menu and still online, pressing [CONTROL] [H] will hang
up the phone. Pressing [0] will send you to the Options Menu where some
of the more advanced technical commands are available.
Pressing [T] in the Options Menu will toggle between ATASCII
(Atari ASCII) and standard ASCII modes. Each time it is toggled, you are
prompted to save the changes to disk. You will use ATASCII for Atari bulletin
boards, and ASCII for non-Atari boards and commercial information services.
You may find it convenient to set up two XE-Term disks-one for ASCII and
another for the ATASCII.
From the Options Menu you may also adjust [I]nput and
[O]output parity (almost always "none"). The [L]eft screen margin may be
set to zero or 2. The [D]uplex command toggles between full and half duplex
modes. Use half duplex for Atari-to-Atari (or any other computer) communications
where both computers are running a terminal program. Changes may be saved
to disk if desired.
Back at the Functions Menu, you may [S]end or [R]eceive
a file using XMODEM protocol. This function also works with ComupServe's
"A" file transfer protocol to download files with BIN extenders. You are
prompted for [T]ext or [B]inary file transfer. Use binary for any file
you wish to send/receive "as is." Text transfers may "translate" Atari's
carriage return codes into the standard ASCII code.
You may [C]apture information, such as HELP menus, to
printer or disk. Pressing [START] begins the capture and pressing [START]
a second time closes capture and the file. You cannot selectively capture
information with the [OPTION] key toggle, as is done in all other Atari
terminal programs. [U]pload may be used to send text files, such as preformatted
messages, to some systems.
Pressing a numbered key 1-8 displays a directory for that
drive. Pressing [F] brings up the File Utilities Menu. From here you can
[L]ock and [U]nlock files. Files may also be [R]enamed or [D]eleted. You
may [Q]uit from the Functions Menu to DOS. This is an especially nice feature
for the 130XE. Files downloaded to RAMdisk may then be transferred to floppy
XE-Term software is superb! I like it better than any commercial telecommunications
program I have used to date. The XM30l modem performs well and has all
the features you need. The manual is complete and accurate. Together, the
XM301 with XE-Term packs more telecomputing power for the price than any
other Atari modem hardware/software on the market.
Atari Corp.
1196 Borregas Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 745-2000
$49.95, 32K disk
Matthew Ratcliff is a longtime Antic programmer with a special
interest in online communications. His Atari 'Toons appeared in the August,
1985 issue.