Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 4, NO. 7 / NOVEMBER 1985

antic online

Type GO ANTIC when you log onto CompuServe in October. Featured this month on ANTIC ONLINE you'll find a sneak preview of the 1985 ANTIC BUYERS GUIDE, the complete annual roundup of best products available for Atari computers.

Also featured on ANTIC ONLINE in October is an overview of how to use the new Pro-Burner EPROM cartridge burner, or how to make your own EMPROM burner.

And don't forget that a complete Antic Arcade Catalog customer service system is now available on ANTIC ONLINE. Follow the Antic Central Menu Prompts to upload your queries for quick email response.


If you're not a CompuServe subscriber yet, see your local computer dealer or phone (800) 848-8199 for information about signing up. Ohio residents phone (614) 457-0802). There is no extra charge for accessing ANTIC ONLINE.

Now ANTIC ONLINE (and SIG* Atari) are also available on the Delphi service at a saving of $6 per hour for 1200 baud access. Phone (800) 544-4005 for information about signing up with Delphi. Massachusetts residents phone (617) 491-3393.


There have been some changes in addresses and phone numbers of commercial online services since Antic printed Getting Connected on page 17 of the August, 1985 issue.

BRS After Dark has a new free number, (800) 227-5277. Write for BRS information to 1200 Route 7, Latham, NY 12110.

PLATO's new toll-free number is (800) 328-7104. The mailing address is P.O. Box 1305, McLean, VA 22102. Current rate is $7.75 per hour for either 300 baud or 1200 baud.

RCA Globcom would like Antic readers to know that it is an email and database service which can be accessed worldwide by using an Atari to emulate a telex terminal. We will cover this service in a future issue. Meanwhile you can contact RCA Globcom by phoning (800) 526-3369 or writing 201 Centennial Avenue, Picataway, NJ 08854.


by GIGI BISSON, Antic Assistant Editor

Microbits Peripheral Products (MPP), of Albany, Oregon was purchased by Supra Corp.--which is run by Alan Ackerman and John Wiley, the 22-year-old founders of MPP.

Legally, MPP went out of business. Supra bought the Microbits name from the bank that shut down MPP at the end of May and was threatening to liquidate the company's assets.

However, the MPP product line and even the brand name will live on as a Supra subsidiary. Microhits had been the top independent manufacturer of plug-in modems, printer buffers and memory expanders for Atari computers.


Supra will continue to honor the 90-day wananty for all MPP products sold after July 1, 1985, the date when MPP was purchased by Supra Corp. But Ackerman says that for MPP products sold earlier, "Some formerly free warranty work will now have a handling charge." Warranty repair charges vary according to the product's retail price and range from $15 to $35.

It will also be harder for users to get through to the customer service department. "Be patient," Ackerman says, "There aren't as many phone lines as before."

The new Supra customer service phone number is (312) 967-9081. New product orders may be placed at (312) 967-9075. The company has moved to smaller quarters at 1133 Commercial Way, Albany, OR 97321.

Ackerman and Wiley paint MPP as yet another victim of the computer shakeout. "It's been a tough time for some third-party Atari manufacturers. Ackerman says. "No stores were ordering anything for the old Atari computers. They're all waiting for the 520ST to come out."

Supra still plans to release the new MPP products that were under development this spring. Orders are currently being taken for the MPP 1200A plug-in 1200 baud modem and the MicroNet resource sharing network that will enable up to eight Ataris to share printers and disk drives.

September shipping was anticipated for the MicroPort expansion port. Supra says the announced 10-megabyte $800 hard disk is still on the way, although delayed. Supra offers a 20% discount for users group purchases.